Repowering the Black Country


Successfully developing plans for six Net-Zero hubs across the Black Country and winning £25M in funding for energy assessments and grants to businesses across the West Midlands.

Supporting Black Country businesses to make the transition to a Net-Zero industrial future.

Repowering the Black Country was one of seven industrial cluster decarbonisation projects partly funded by BEIS and UKRI aimed at supporting Black Country businesses to take advantage of global clean growth opportunities and to make the transition to a Net-Zero industrial future.

The project ran for 3 years and successfully developed plans for six Net-Zero hubs across the Black Country and won £25M in funding for energy assessments and grants to businesses across the West Midlands.

The project also gained insight into national industrial decarbonisation policy and opportunities in the Circular Economy, working with the Universities of Birmingham and Warwick, and became one of only seven industrial clusters in the UK recognised by government.